The Monster Girl’s Evolution


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The psychedelic forest was encompassed in a thick cloud of fog, barring the vision of everyone, while behind those thick fog ruled chaos, as countless ferocious creatures fought valiantly.

Some distance away, under a muddy patch of grass, a unique little creature stuck her head out from the dark insect egg.

“Oh, what the hell is this?”

‘Why am I born among this terrifying pile of insects?’

The area was densely packed with eggs. Occasionally, one or two fat insects would crawl out from them. They looked scary and hideous.

“I think I was playing a game a few moments ago, right? Why did I appear in such a place and become a monster girl?”

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Strong Female MC with little to no romance
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
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metazoxan rated it
November 2, 2022
Status: c163
First thing I want to say... the translation is rather terrible.

I'll give the translator credit for at least mantaining proper grammar structure. But a lot of chapters are filled with obvious mistakes like lines that were clearly translated too litterally. Another common issue is the translator's inability to actually pay attention to what pronouns they are using and will often use he or him to refer to the heroine or other girls. The opposite also happens with occasional male characters at least a couple times.

As a whole you can read... more>> it without getting a headache from crimminally bad grammar but it's still a very bad translation.

But what about the story itself? To put it simply it lacks any sense of focus which is a common issue with Chinese Monster Isekai that are clearly trying to copy the Japanese trend. Of the few I've seen they often tend to just throw elements into the story without much thought as if they think more themes makes the story better.

Take the start of the story for instance. When the story starts it's established the heroine has the power to gain parts of creatures she eats and evolve her species using evolution points. But after gaining a couple parts and disgarding them for other parts she almost never does this again. THe author hasn't forgotten it as it comes up form time to time but instead of really going into how she can assimilate and combine various traits the author leaves this almost entirely to a sub species that exists mostly as living weapons that the heroine can control. THey are the main ones that gain traits and evolve but even this is fairly uninspired and mostly just a straight forward upgrade or mutations. It's not using the plot element as much as it could.

But taht's not to say the heroine isn't constantly growing stronger... it's just she's using one of her other MANY systems of power. For example defeating oponents gives her literal item drops including rare items that are just pure plot devices and ability cards that give her skills and traits outside of ones she gets from eating.

She also gets card summoning powers, think Yugioh, from a vague magical space taht's also somehow an MMO. And she can also just learn new skills from books like they are skill books in a game.

There is also a point she communiates with aliens and is able to instantly learn their language and learn to communicate back using evolution points. Meaning she can just use evolution points for whatever the plot wants her to use them for and she gets them so easily that the fear of using them all up is non existent since the author eventually stops bother to mention what her total points even are and since she makes it clear she's farming points outside of what's mentioned you can't just manually track what she's earning.

As a whole I would not at all recommend it unless you're just a die hard fan of monster Isekai. <<less
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lolsauce rated it
June 23, 2022
Status: c21
Female protag? Monster protag? Leveling system? If you enjoy all of these as I do, then this story might be right up your alley. The writing is decent, there's enough intrigue from outside factors to keep the story from going stale, the story progression is also happening at a good pace. For negatives it's mostly on some slight mistranslations, and by god can the names be confusing (Lo Ya, Lo Yo, Lo Xin etc). Overall a very solid story, that seems to have quite a bit of potential, hopefully it... more>> isn't squandered. <<less
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THeBurke rated it
February 4, 2023
Status: c344
This novel is decent enough, I generally like the way the evolution stuff works, and I like watching the MC and her swarm get stronger and stronger. The only real gripes I have with the novel are mainly the terrible translation (using multiple names for things, getting the name wrong e.g. The Brain Insect sometimes get called Cerebrate Bacteria & an Empire gets called 4 diferent names when its name is first given) there is also the constant using of the incorrect pronoun with the correct one thrown inbetween within... more>> a few lines of each other while reffering to the same character..

well, the translation is the worst part.. It does annoys me a fair bit at times. Aside from the translation (which can feel like an MTL at times) I enjoy everything else, while I can probably agree with parts of the things others have said e.g the eveolution system being underused, its not bad enough to really impact my enjoyment as the bugs and her are sill evolving, figting and getting stronger. If the translation were better I would probably give this 4 stars instead of 3 <<less
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vidar2 rated it
June 7, 2022
Status: c9
Story of a girl who reincarnates as a tiny insect girl with a system.

The translation grammar is good.

Story so far is intresting, and some parts have actually been pretty hilarious.


Mostly scenes with her child/clone.


Hard to tell more with so little translated yet.
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