The Mid-Boss Hides the Heroines


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I possessed someone.

In a dating sim game, I became the mid-boss who kidnaps the heroine.

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New Cheo rated it
September 6, 2024
Status: c50
So far it's a self aware novel that knows what it wants and what it is. Which is, a novel about building a harem to save the world. While the world building can be pretty wild at times, it's there to serve as info for the objective of the story. You get justifications for why all the women are going to be big breasted, why polygamy is more acceptable, and why the MC needs to gather women to prevent the destruction of the world. While saving the world is the... more>> goal it seems that novel will focus less on action and more on the interpersonal relationships between the characters. It's refreshing to see the MC be so confident and goal driven when it comes to harem building. Overall you get what you expect from this novel which makes its intentions very clear from early on. <<less
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Paradoxum rated it
August 23, 2024
Status: c18
I actually enjoyed, it started like every "I'm the villain" novel in which MC only wants to survive. But because of circumstances, he gets a sense of belonging to this world and his own goals. I really like the world building although it might be cliche.

And yes, as the other review mentioned there will be NTR or at least the MC will have the main heroines for himself. It has an explication about why he actively seduces them and I actually like that, I was feeling tired of the "I'm... more>> the villain and despite me pushing the heroines away they end obsessed with me", and seeing an MC who accepts that to accomplish his greater goal he needs these women, it's kind of refreshing, he is also not dense so that's a plus. <<less
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August 22, 2024
Status: c10
While I'm not far enough into the series to leave an actual review yet, I'd like to give a warning to those who come after me because I certainly wish I had one. Very early on this series casually brings up topics related to/implies:

NTR/Netotare (for those few innocent souls unaware, it's the act of a partner cheating on their lover, either through coercion, force, or as a fetish) of female characters.

Kidnapping and drugging of certain female characters.

... more>> Implied s*xual assault of certain female characters.

And in*est.

MC's entire thing is that he possesses a NTR villain who, in the original game, explicitly kidnaps the female leads and, if they're not rescued in time, drugs and even sexually assaults them over a prolonged period of time. While current MC is a child and hasn't done any of that himself, all of his abilities at the start, I.e hypnosis, aphrodisiacs, and others, are centered around such things. If you dislike such topics or are sensitive to them like myself, consider finding something else. Otherwise feel free to read, it does seem interesting so far. <<less
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