The Martial God with Psychic Powers


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He called himself a human. However, the world revered him as a god.

The epic adventures of Yeon Woo-jin, who possesses extraordinary psychic powers, unfold in a ruthless world.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. World of Murim (KR Wuxia) II
  2. Fantasy Action/Combat
  3. martial arts

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/09/25 SilkRoadTL c8
01/30/25 SilkRoadTL c7
01/30/25 SilkRoadTL c6
01/24/25 SilkRoadTL c5
01/24/25 SilkRoadTL c4
01/24/25 SilkRoadTL c3
01/24/25 SilkRoadTL c2
01/24/25 SilkRoadTL c1
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