The Man’s 101st Bad Ending


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There were women approaching me, who had decided to die.

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그 남자의 101번째 배드엔딩
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5 Reviews sorted by

New Rockey rated it
February 7, 2025
Status: c157

Human emotion at its finest.

It might not be perfect in story, with a rather slow beginning and some plot holes or contradictions. But if you stick for a while, you will encounter one of the most beautiful portrayal of emotions among the Korean fantasy novels.

... more>> I hope you will give it a chance not for the world-building or good overarching plot, but for the main characters and their interactions.

My only warning is to not overthink or overanalyze it, you can find flaws in anything if you look hard enough. Just enjoy a good read, since there aren't many like this one.

*I will most likely edit this review after the translation is finished*


My only regret is that it's a harem.

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Dkydbsoahegkss rated it
April 30, 2024
Status: c173
Final Rating:

4/5. The character development is good and the main plot is resolved, but the ending felt rushed and unsatisfying with no epilogue chapters for the love interests. Some other minor issues are mentioned below.

Plot Summary:

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This is a revenge novel. MC is stuck in a time loop and dies 100 times in many brutal ways, ranging from torture to su*cide. The book is about his 101st life where he decides to finally stand up for himself. There are 3 main love interests but there is no definitive conclusion for them as the novel ends abruptly after defeating the final villain.




The MC was overly kind and naive during his first 100 regressions to the point where suspension of disbelief becomes difficult to maintain. This is fixed in his 101st life, but early on in his regressions his sister tortures him to death in an extremely graphic and painful way (loss of all limbs, buried alive), causing severe PTSD that haunts him up to his 101st life. How does the MC respond? By leaving her alone and not trying to kill her in response in any of the subsequent regressions up until the 101st, still believing she might be able to be changed.

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MyRAMEN rated it
June 16, 2024
Status: c9
I thought it was good at the start but then it turned out that his whole problem of his goal for regressions, was trying to fix was him failing to simp girls into true love instead of the actual problem of the crown prince repeatedly labeling him as a traitor and him dying. The farther you get into the novel more things get revealed about his past regressions such as the northern duchess also getting labeled as a traitor, MC saying he knew everything all along, et cetera, like all... more>> of this wasn't related at all and him purposely pursuing pain and the wrong path. The MC's iq is so low an ant would have a bigger range of thought. All the premises are so wack and filled to brim with plotholes it just isn't worth reading. And those with normal heads, this also 100% a harem with how there's been like 7 FL potential characters in 9 chaps.

Now in his new life where he chose to forget/disregard everything and had a clear goal, everything was disregarded and he is pointlessly pursuing a path to get involved again when he literally said a few chaps ago his current goal would be to leave the north and reach the southern ocean which was always his dreams. Forget leaving the family. Forget not joining the meeting of royals which he REPEATEDLY says brings him troubles, Forget not making troublesome connections, forget not backing down when you back down few paragraphs later despite paragraphs of you saying not to only to

I would've lowered my rating to a 2 if not for the interesting European Ambience / setting <<less
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DemianTurned rated it
April 28, 2024
Status: c33
5 Stars. This novel is absolutely stunning, so far.

The MC is a character who's been through everything. Beheading, torture, betrayal, starvation, imprisonment, and even more death. And so, his wish in his earlier regressions, slowly morphed into a need for death.

You can also tell he's human. His regressions fizzled out his emotions, and he has his intense PTSD in which you don't see in regression based novels.

... more>> You can see his anguish in most chapters, and he's not a character that lets his life be dictated by others.

The beautiful writing and symbolism is also shown in the author's writing.

This novel could very well be one of the best Korean stories written if it stays true to it's path. <<less
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smilex rated it
September 20, 2024
Status: --
Good start, then just repetitive and LONG drag to unveil his masterplan, AFTER FAILING 100+ TIME.

Why stop at 101st? Should drag for more~ need longer and more chapters to describe his deserve gruesome ends, to give satisfaction (not really) revenge.

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Idiot tortured not one, not two but multiple. Multiple life. He still think he can save/change their way? On what basis? Just from his mother last word? Bit*h pls. Or maybe he just love getting tortured physically & mentally


I don't understand. He repeated 100+ times but sometime his decision is like he did not. Guess thats why he repeated that many?

Reading this just don't feel good with his smugness. He so proud of his achievement from previous route that his current action just seems lackluster. Because he still failed that route and other 100+ repeat.


Apparently some repeat he was a sword saint and very good fighter~ he so smug about it that he forgot he still failed that route and died like a dog he is


Especially if multiple repeat failed because of dumb sht. <<less
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