The Mad Dog of the Duke’s Estate


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I lived my whole life as a s*ave, bound by a leash. But there was one thing that I was able to choose for myself: the place where I would die.

“…Any last words?”

My only friend asked me in a calm voice, and I quietly replied as I closed my eyes.



To cut to the chase, I was reincarnated. And not just as anyone, but as my friend’s youngest grandson. So, what am I going to do now? Well, what else can I do?

“I’m going to cause chaos.”

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The Mad Dog of the Dukes House
공작가에는 미친개가 산다
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Rockey rated it
July 5, 2024
Status: c15
Well, this was a promising novel, however, it quickly crushed my expectations.

The novel starts well, the translation is good and the writing is noticeably higher then a lot of others. But it immediately goes into a different direction then I thought from the first chapter and the description. It is reincarnation into the future, not the past.

From that point I read with scepticism, and although that in itself is not a problem, the fact that it lost its first point stand. It lost the thing I was excited to see... more>> in it.

And then deduction points just start piling up. Clishe after clishe and most importantly, foreshadowing that are supposed to keep me on my feet and continue reading while wondering how the story will unfold... were all predictable or simply not interesting to keep me going.

The only redeeming quality is the MC. He seems like a insert any korean MC here, but for some reason he was not. This is one thing I cannot properly explain for some reason. He is just built different.

Mind you that I did not read too far into the story so take this review with a grain of salt. However do feel free to prove me wrong if the story picks up later on. (Preferably just write another review, as I feel bad for both the author and the translator). <<less
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