The Little Merman Demands Legs from the Sea Witch


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As a child, Iko was thrown into the sea because she had the blood of a witch. She was found by the great sea witch Dalibaya, who raised her as her apprentice.

Time passed, and Iko was living peaceful days in the fishbowl house left behind by Dalibaya.

One day, the mer-prince Kashmir came to her, demanding human legs and threatening to destroy her home if she didn’t teach him how to walk.

This led to an unusual cohabitation between the two…

“Teach me more actively. For example, let me touch your legs.”

“Why does it have to be my legs?”

“To figure out how the muscles move.”


“I’ll be back.”

“Wait, Iko.”


“I’ll be waiting, so come back quickly.”


Iko’s quiet life began to be stirred like waves because of the unpredictable Kashmir.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hey Witch, Give Me Legs
마녀여, 다리를 다오
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Latest Release

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2 Reviews

Sep 12, 2024
Status: c9
Early finding this gem so far, but I already really like the MC and ML's dynamic!!

MC is a young witch, who lives by herself after her master passed away. She likes her simple life, and so far seems pretty level-headed.

ML is a prince of the merking, haughty and arrogant. MC said the rumors around him is that he's a troublemaker, causing a ruckus wherever he goes. He demands MC for human legs for ... more>>

freaking alcohol LOL 😭 because he got a taste once, and wants more. But he wants to return being a merman after his fill.


There's a lot of arguing and banter I foresee, so if you like MCs that bu*t heads a lot, this is for you!! The translation is well-done too and clear/concise, and I'm really excited for more in the future and where it goes. <<less
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Nov 22, 2024
Status: c39
I came for spice but instead got the cutest romance I’ve read in a while. I love the FL and ML’s dynamic as they become friends and then fall in love. They’re both so so cute. The smut was also well worth the wait. I can’t recommend this story enough.
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