The Little Childhood Sweetheart’s Counterattack


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When Fu Guanxian heard Xiang Yang’s mother explain that Xiang Yang wasn’t visiting the Fu family because she said she couldn’t keep up with her studies, Fu Guanxian scoffed internally: Can’t keep up with her studies? She’s the top student in her grade, who is she trying to keep up with?

Seeing Xiang Yang receiving love letters from other boys, Fu Guanxian tossed an empty bottle in his hand, directly hitting Xiang Yang on the head.

Xiang Yang covered her throbbing head, looked up and saw the culprit was him. She bit her lip and dared not say anything.

Fu Guanxian felt extremely uncomfortable inside, but he didn’t show it. He just smiled and said, “Sorry, my hand slipped.”

Xiang Yang kept thinking: As long as I endure this torturous high school period, I can see the light. I will definitely not be s*upid enough to go to the same university as Fu Guanxian!

Fu Guanxian kept thinking: As long as I get through this torturous high school period, when she grows up, I can do whatever I want. But he never expected that one day, she would actually dare to have a boyfriend, and the worst part is, it wasn’t him!

Fu Guanxian gritted his teeth: This is unbearable! I can’t take it anymore!

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