The Life of Maria Lewellin


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Maria was brought to this world by an accident.

God gave her one ability, she can hear the voices of animals!

One day, while living her hard life with only a bit of pleasure, Maria hears a word that made her eyes sparkle…

“His majesty, the Crown Prince’s leopard is very sick. If someone can heal the leopard, the prince will grant any wish.”

Maria, visited the palace, hoping to cure the leopard safely and make the crown prince grant her wish as promised.

“Excuse me but….why do I have to live here?”

“You asked me. You said want to live here.”

“That’s not what I meant”

“It’s too late now…”

And that’s how Maria and the tsundere crown prince ended up living together in the Imperial Palace!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Insaeng-eun Malia Leuwellincheoleom
Maria the telepathic animal healer (manhwa)
인생은 마리아 르웰린처럼
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5 Reviews sorted by

Rareblue rated it
September 13, 2020
Status: c2
I'm glad someone pick up this wonderful novel. I'm looking forward for the development between her and the leopard. Thank you author-san and translator-san! You're the best!
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eh. noob
eh. noob rated it
September 21, 2020
Status: c7
So far, it's pretty good. It has a kinda realistic approach on transmigration. Having a bit of troubles adapting but doesn't overreact about her transmigration. She misses some things from the modern world but doesn't dwell on it much. She doesn't adapt immediately but she slowly got used to things. Her perspective on life is pretty good.

I have one complaint tho. This is giving me second male lead syndrome. I don't care bout the crown prince anymore, I want Gerard. Aaaaaaaaaa
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September 13, 2020
Status: c2
I saw a one-shot promo of this and got interested. Since there are only 2 chapters, I can't judge very well yet but, for the time being, It's going pretty good so far. I would recommend this. 🙂
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blahblah123 rated it
August 10, 2022
Status: c69
It's not a bad read but the MC is annoyingly dense. Her character doesn't seem like an idiot until anything relationship related happens, and then she may as well be 4 years old.
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HealthtPatchuri rated it
June 8, 2021
Status: c37
So where should I start...... notice that the other reviewers haven't read more than 10chapters. That's because most people just dropped off before chapter 20, not even bothering to leave a review


The premise is quite promising. A reincarnated MC capable of understanding the linguistics of animals. Such talent leading to the plot, a mere commoner curing the prince's leopard, therefore, making a debut in the palace.

So, for starters, I would like to point out that this story is a bit bland at the start. The author had a hard... more>> time putting the plots together at the beginning of the episodes. Plots are jumbled, omitted, forgotten. MC's monologue seems so childish. The story is rushed, backgrounds are left behind to the point that something just seems off.

But that's okay. Going on to chapter 25 and so on the writer finally introduces 'the third point of view'.

Since then the characters of the story come alive. So you've better hang on to chapter 30 if you were to have a go.

Another thing, the interaction between the MC and the animals are well written. Yes, the author had put some effort into the conversation. What IF 'a human and animal can communicate'. Quite clever actually.


...... It's a pity that the author couldn't add depths of a realistic royal society. The story gives off more of a 'daily life episodes' rather than the strict royal palace we would expect. MC's approach to the prince was too easy, the prince and the second male lead favour the MC for unsolid reasons. The MC is so informal in the palace yet no character seems so obsessed with her manners <come on, it's a royal palace!!> Of course, I couldn't expect more from the MC if her hidden ability is that she's just capable of communicating with animals, which is far from the MC intervening in big plots like national matters or becoming a dark hero or something like that. So I can understand that the author limits the plots to tedious scale so that the MC itself could be emphasized. BUT STILL, this is off limits. Which is why I'm putting this story off at ch 37 till I feel like reading it.

More of a, erm, high school romance fantasy. Just insert the MC into a teenage girl student, the male leads into a sexy male student. The more the story progresses, I REPEAT, something just seems, off.

So, 3 stars, at best.

Still, give it a try, I guess it's not as half as bad as I reviewed. <<less
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