The Lethargic Angel Wants to Have a Sweet Sleep


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I’ve become the game character I used to raise.

And not just any character—a max-level angel boasting infinite divine power, long since reached the peak of its specs!

…In that case, with this power…

“Yaaawn… First, let me sleep. I’m tired.” I’ll sleep first.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Mugiryeok cheonsanim-eun kkuljam-eul jago sipeo.
The drowsy angel dreams of a sweet nap.
The languid angel desires a deep and sweet sleep.
The listless angel wants to sleep soundly.
The sluggish angel wants to sleep peacefully.
The tired angel longs for a restful sleep.
The weary angel wishes for a blissful slumber.
무기력 천사님은 꿀잠을 자고 싶어
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Hunter/Awakener/Gate/Tower - Not Read Pt. 3
  2. Sports/Fantasy
  3. candidates of higher up

Latest Release

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Kensei Seraph
Kensei Seraph rated it
December 1, 2024
Status: c6
Set in a modern day world where gates open and unleash various monsters, the MC awakens a skill that causes him to take on the form and abilities of his game character. This also cures the MC of his severe insomnia that has prevented him from ever sleeping in his 30 ~ 40 years of life.

One minor point that bothers me is that somehow South Korea is the only country in the entire world to have been able to create a unified organisation to handle the superpowered awakened population due... more>> to South Koreans just being "more unified".

The translation is serviceable, however several words and or phrases are not translated consistently between chapters (2 cases in 6 chapters so far) and gender pronouns have been mistranslated at least once so far. <<less
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v3ris rated it
December 21, 2024
Status: c16
As someone with insomnia I love this. Just a cute angel that wants to sleep and saves the world while she's at it because she wants to rest peacefully.

She sweeps through and one shots all the enemies so the fights aren't long at all (the cute new skills and weapons keep it interesting tho). Reads primarily as a slice of life despite the genre. It's chill, cute, and simple. I like it. Xx

(wish the tl was a bit better tho. There's some repeating segments in the chapters, no indicating... more>> breaks between pov switches, and messed up names.) <<less
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January 20, 2025
Status: c10
The MC is either asleep or about to sleep. While the MC sleeps, things happen in the general vicinity of the sleeping MC. That's the whole novel so far...

Interesting concept and character design but not much has been done with it.
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