The Kingdom of Everlasting Night and the Last Ball


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Dia was the daughter of a duke who grew up in the Royal Palace after losing her family.

Upon being told by her fiancé, the First Prince, that their engagement had been annulled, she soon found out—

—that at an approaching ball being held in a few days, she would be killed by none other than her loved ones.

This was a story set at the Royal Palace of a kingdom with everlasting night. A tale concerning Dia, who had lived a sheltered life alone. A story about her trying to painfully persist until the end, despite the heartlessness of her loved ones—

—and also a story about a beautiful, but also merciless King of the Night, who was aware of Dia’s predicament. It is a tale weaved around these two people.

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Nagaiyo no kuni to saigo no budōkai
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20 Reviews sorted by

April 5, 2020
Status: c4.2
While the story is intrigueing and I really want to continue reading, the writing is very... strange and I'm finding it difficult to get into. The only way I can describe the writing is "detached", it feels like you're looking at the story through very thick glass or something. This also makes it kind of confusing to figure out what the hell is going on and who's currently talking.
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Pixy rated it
January 5, 2021
Status: c18 part2
While it’s conceptually interesting, this tale just missed the mark for me. The language is unnecessarily vague and confusing, and it’s oblique enough that the action, timeline, and motivations are hard to discern. It’s rather like trying to pick out the details of a distant image viewed through heavy fog. This confusion is heightened by the fact that it is difficult to determine which character is speaking/thinking, given there are no indicators in English. My first language is Japanese, so I get why this is so in translation - this... more>> sort of detail is usually clear in context due to certain aspects of the Japanese language that don’t appear in English. Still, this makes it difficult to understand things beyond broad strokes.

The plot works in general, but the lack of clarity makes it hard to figure the characters’ motivations which would lend it more heft. Characters are introduced but never made real, and it’s hard to invest in them. I wasn’t a huge fan of the protagonist as she alternated between martyr, lovesick girl, and complete idiot. She was generally passive, with the exception of the times she tried to mol*st or maim fairy creatures she found cute or beautiful, never considering how horrifying this must be for sentient creatures. An irony, given that she repeatedly thinks about how strange and cruel the thought processes of the creatures of the other realm are.

There are missed opportunities galore that would’ve helped build the world or encourage emotional connections to the characters and their fates. One of the characters (Jillreid) is introduced mid-way through the novel, but is never expanded upon despite the fact that his involvement in the story is important. He’s relegated in the end in a sort of “blah blah blah, stuff happened, but this guy turned out to be more integral to the story than was given and was shoved into the background and -surprise!- here’s why he was important.” Bad writing, and I had zero investment in him even though in the end the story outlines why he was important. Yep, I still don’t care.

There is little explanation with regard to the main villain’s personality, which is sad as what little info we are given shows that he have complex reasons and deeply divided emotions about what he did and why. He’s not a cardboard villain, but again that’s only touched upon briefly in the end when I just didn’t care. In fact,

while his decisions were heinous and the outcome horrible, it seems to me that he weighed the losses again potential gains. I’d argue that this shows a level of leadership required in complex worlds. His actions might have been awful, but the reasoning behind them show that he is invested in giving his subjects a chance to live and grow, despite any personal pain. It’s just that there’s an obscure and ancient reasons why this was a bad choice of which he wasn’t properly aware. Like, if you drink from a glass you’re told is water but, oops, actually it was replaced by poison, so sorry.


All that, and the revenge was incredibly unsatisfying. There was a looooong buildup that led to a quick moment of reckoning that didn’t give the satisfaction of the villains understanding why things happened and who took revenge. Those things are what make revenge stories exciting for me, anyway. Since most of the real action takes part unseen and unknowable, it didn’t resonate at all. At least make their eyes glimmer with understanding, regret, fury, -something- before shuffling off to explain all the stuff that should’ve been explained throughout the story. I stayed for sweet, sweet, delicious revenge but all I got was meh.

The pages of food obsession are fine and dandy, but they don’t further the plot or provide insight into anything meaningful. Why is the food more important than the people? For that matter, if you wanna write food p*rn, do it well; make my mouth water.

So, this was a story with great potential that got bogged down in muddy prose, food fixation, and simple lack of anything that would make me care what happens. <<less
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littlemae rated it
March 31, 2020
Status: c8 part3
This story is both tragic and very funny, I'm so eager for the next chapter every time !! I've been reading several novels from this translator for some time now and the quality is as good as always :thank you <3
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earlgreyt rated it
September 24, 2020
Status: Completed
Worldbuilding was really quite original and whimsical (dare I say magical?) compared to your typical "broken engagement" otome novel. I greatly enjoyed that the MC was not a transmigrator, and there was a ton of interesting backstory to explain the choices made by the main characters.

... more>>

The question of how a supposed nice person, Queen-in-waiting, would turn into a villain for example. It was amazingly well done that the story actually maintained the status quo -- to the people of the Kingdom, Dia was the villain in a big way.

Despite that, she's still a good person, so this setup impressed me.


The conflict was pretty straightforward and simple, but the characters that were thrown into the mix had a good level of complexity and interest. The human vs. Non-human culture and other tidbits were woven together very well and gave a believable level of misunderstanding and backstory to build on.

I would have liked to see more of the characters actions determining who they were and less in the flashbacks. The author pretty much relied exclusively on dialogue or internal monologue to lead the reader to think specific thoughts about the characters, which didn't make for the best pacing.

That said, overally this is a very unique story in the genre and I would recommend for the surprises it has in store. <<less
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lordhighexecutioner rated it
May 19, 2020
Status: c12 part2
A really interesting, sweet, and heartbreaking read. And to paraphrase the translator: the misunderstanding between the main characters is actually believable. A very rare thing in webnovels indeed.
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blahblah123 rated it
December 26, 2021
Status: c14.3
Everyone is talking about how well done the misunderstanding is and how it actually makes sense, when in reality it makes the MC seem pathetic and the ML seem like a complete idiot with no empathy.

... more>>

The ML sends the MC to be married to one of the people responsible for the deaths of her family literally seconds after the last of her family dies in front of her because he "misunderstood". He even had the balls to get mad at her instead of just asking her what she meant. Sh*t is dumb.


3.5/5 <<less
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Hikami2005 rated it
June 22, 2020
Status: c1
Oh my gosh its been so long since I read a good one. The world builfing is too good. The misunderstanding is actually legit. Even I misunderstood lol.
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Ellieness rated it
January 27, 2024
Status: Completed
A short, 22 chapter long story about a girls' revenge.

FL is an overthinker with a fair-weathered heart. ML is a spirit. He is kind with a talent for producing gourmet meals. The romance between them feels off.

This story contains 2 large plot holes. There is also barely any movement in this story. It's almost all explanations, theories, observances and reflections. There are events mentioned in past tense instead of just proceeding with the story with the event taking place.

The English translations are very good. However, you will find sentences that... more>> won't make sense even though the grammar is in perfect order. <<less
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Snowman256 rated it
April 9, 2022
Status: Completed
The novel has a very distinctive style of world building, and the suspense was build quite masterfully. However, the novel also dragged on for many chapters over simple plot points or feelings, like spending 3 chapters developing the world of magic that could have been summarized in one, or probably half a dozen chapters reflecting on the question of whether it's OK for the MC to kill even innocent people (the answer is always yes, but the author sure loves to draw the answer out). I ended up skimming many... more>> chapters, because many chapters didn't offer any new information or emotional development. That said, the novel had a unique flow, so I recommend it! I also love how the novel ended in an open ended fashion - we never knew the perspectives of the king, queen, fiance-stealer, or ex-fiance after the final ball. We can only guess at what they must feel and of the fate of the kingdom, and that's a pretty bold move that IMO works out well. <<less
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IvaAres rated it
December 19, 2020
Status: Completed
Overall, the story was pretty good. The MC got her revenge and the ML feeds her as much as she wants. The translators little rants at the end of each chapter were really funny. There were times when I would just be reading without actually understanding anything but the translators notes gave me an idea of what happened.
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Smtha rated it
September 24, 2020
Status: Completed
Quite a wonderful story of fairytale and magic.I feel am wisks to a fairy land and spirited away somewhere fantastic. Somehow there a bit of black comedy goin on but at last it’s a good happy ending. And they lived happily ever after with delicious food. The end. Lol
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Kael97 rated it
September 13, 2020
Status: c20
Based on the glossary of the story, chapter 20 is already an extra chapter, in which concluded that I already finished reading the main story.

This novel is magnificent and wonderful. I can't belueve how detailed the author is on describing the feeling and sceneries that took place. Also, the plot was justified. At first, the novel will confuse you, and the longer it goes, your questions will be answered as to why this and that happened.

One, in which was due to the MC and ML's misunderstanding xD. And that misunderstanding was plausible and answered. But, one of the question I have was, did the ML knew that he had misunderstand our MC, that he was her prince all along..


Overall this was an interesting read. Definitely 5/5! Also, kudos to the team behind the translation! ♡ (˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶)
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chande rated it
October 20, 2022
Status: Completed
This story was a gem. It's beautifully written and the characters were pretty interesting. The world within the novel was also well built and had many potentials to open many subplots but the author chose to focus more on MC and her conflicted feelings.

... more>>

She loved and hated the royal family at the same time. She hated them because they killed her family but she also loved them because of their kindness after they took her in albeit they did it with some motives. Oftentimes, she wavered between living happily or taking revenge but in the end, she chose to take revenge even at the cost of dying and inability to be together with ML.


Aside from MC's POV, we also got a story from ML's POV, ML's aide's POV, and 2nd prince's POV. Sadly, we couldn't get a story from Roberto and Marietta's POV because it must be satisfying to read.


From a vague mention from several POV's, Roberto and the rest of the people in the kingdom lived worst than death (except those who were chosen by ML). They would still receive a punishment even after their death later. They indeed got what they deserved but I still want to know what Roberto and Marietta feel after they received their punishment. Did they regret it? And did Roberto still end up with Marietta?

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Bolovis rated it
November 29, 2021
Status: c22
There is some interesting mythology explored of magical beings and their relationships with humans. How humans forgotten promises can come back to bite them in the ass and other stuff about the court of the "outsiders" are very interesting from the point of view of a fantasy novel.

But the only problem (for me) is the core of the plot derives from a pretty dumb misunderstanding that is (kind of) justified but even so was really s*upid to the point of leaving me baffled as to how basic and simple it... more>> could be resolved.

Another point, that does not have much to do with the plot is one point raised by the translator, of the whole plot being inside the MC head and her delusion. As someone who is not very fond of stories that are told from the point of an unreliable narrator, this one would be very interesting with this, as from a mystical novel where mysticism faces scrutiny as a useless and old costume. But this is not a demerit from the final product, obviously, and is but a minor rambling from me.

There are some worldbuilding that gets pretty confusing, and a little more resolution (by that I mean belittle that the MC could give the perpetrators and the full consequences from their crime, but this must be me wishing from a more cathartic ending), even so, it is an interesting tale of fantasy and a world that denies it, so have fun with it. <<less
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ChronoH0 rated it
September 20, 2021
Status: c22 part3
While the world building was strong here, the story can be a little hard to read without getting exhausted.

It's a heavy lore stuff that you get dump a lot. Also at some points gets repeated a lot.

However I really like how both sides are kinda fu*ked up.
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Hannalrd rated it
June 7, 2021
Status: --

A little foodie who had her innocence crushed and a tsundere god... spirit, whatever.

Its a bit convoluted at first - until the rub up to MC’s “death”, every plot and characters motivation is slowly unraveled, including ML, as if a bud is flowering.

Really made me tear up a few times and laugh at the silliness.. super recomend!
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wintia_blue08 rated it
March 17, 2021
Status: --
Like some people have said, reading this can be rather confusing. The story goes back and forth, from flashbacks to present to flashbacks again. Also, the thoughts they want to convey are sometimes confusing and go back and forth. If "plot twists" had a physical form, they would look like twizzler's licorice. The story is nice, translation is good, but admittedly it's confusing.

Still... the latter part story patches up stuff, and manages to unentangle things piece by piece, weaving it into a story that would make people look forward to... more>> the end. <<less
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LotteHeart rated it
August 14, 2020
Status: c19 part1
I love Dia’s personality and how she’s unashamedly gluttonous when it comes Noins food. I’m glad that she gets a happy ending with her beloved Night King. Too bad she can’t take a Mukmugris with her. Thank you for translating this!
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Angelxe1 rated it
August 8, 2020
Status: --
I meant to give it half a star less but my finger slipped. The same thing is repeated through the story which I think is a common thing seen in these types of novels. Not sure if it's inexperience or if in translating it something is lost. For this particular one I know in some instances the author wanted to reveal the same scene but with more information later on but it got tiring. Not sure hoe I feel about the ending and it seems a lot more could have... more>> been done with the same amount of chapters. It needs to be polished I think. However I still think it's an interesting read. <<less
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rienayen019 rated it
June 7, 2020
Status: c15 part1
So far, I really enjoy this novel. It's very atmospheric, so I definitely enjoyed playing some fantasy/sad instrumental in the background while I was reading. To me, the interactions between the main characters are very interesting. I really feel like there's something at stake here. Considering what our fem!MC has gone through, it makes me feel something even more.

It's still early in the game, but I am very intrigued by what's to come...
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