The Jilted Duchess and the Thief’s Brother


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Crown Prince Rodelich of the Stern Kingdom and Duchess Diana have been at odds since their engagement.

Years passed with the Crown Prince unilaterally ignoring Diana, and her treatment worsened with the arrival of a young girl named Catherine, who transferred into the academy during their final year.

Although Diana was dissatisfied with the marriage, considering the circumstances of the royal family, she couldn’t wish for its dissolution.

One day, while struggling with her feelings, she happened upon a scene where a man claiming to be Catherine’s brother came to withdraw his sister from the academy.

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Tastastix rated it
August 11, 2024
Status: Completed
Well-translated, so +1 for that, but it's basically just exposition word vomit. The romance is non-existent, but FL and ML were an ideal couple in the end

Even though we only saw the more contractual proposal vs their actually falling in love


Ngl after the school "arc" ended, I just scrolled until FL and ML met again, which was at the end, and then scrolled until I found some sort of doki-doki factor (of whoch there is none except like one line in the final summary)

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