The Idol Training Simulation I Messed Up


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[: Have [Monochrome] win the Grand Prize at a Music Awards within 2 years!]

Monochrome was the name of an idol group in a game I used to play. A five-member boy group that I had neglected after only focusing on making money.

‘What is this? The album title is ?!’

Seeing that the random album name I had entered out of laziness had taken a spot in their discography, I pulled my hair in frustration again. Not only did I have to recover the mess I made over 5 years in just 2 years, but I also had to elevate them to the top. I felt like crying. I’m not even in the entertainment industry; I’m just a gamer.

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내 손에 망한 아이돌 육성 시뮬레이션
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