The Hunter and the Mad Scientist


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[Earl Avondale’s Mansion]

“Who are you……?”

“That’s what I want to ask you.”

She met a handsome blonde man upon opening a hidden episode and it turned out that he was a genius magic engineer who should have already died.

Esperanza fell 13 years back in time from the virtual reality game ‘Golden Claw’.

Suddenly, in a world without monsters, she became the strongest in the world and in order to return to her original world, she had to find the ‘Golden Claw’ to complete the quest…!

“Why would I dissect you? There is so much more that can be studied while you are alive.”

And her only helper keeps making creepy remarks.

“Then why don’t you give me a drop of blood? Just one drop.”

He’s trying to draw her blood.

Can she finish her quest successfully?

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Huntress And The Mad Scientist
헌터와 매드 사이언티스트
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Good books I wanna read (part 1)
  2. KR Novels (European) 2.0
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/25/22 DarkStar Translations c8
11/18/22 DarkStar Translations c7
11/15/22 DarkStar Translations c6
11/09/22 DarkStar Translations c5
11/06/22 DarkStar Translations c4
11/04/22 DarkStar Translations c3
11/01/22 DarkStar Translations c2
11/01/22 DarkStar Translations c1
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2 Reviews sorted by

Rio-mouse rated it
November 2, 2022
Status: c19
This novel has left me hooked since I started it, I hope together we support this translation.

If you are interested in this reading, from what I see it focuses more on the adventure and the mystery of the curious situation of the protagonist, although romance is not ruled out, I suggest that you do not look forward to it and take it more as a fanservice for the reader

At the moment what I have read has a great narrative, although it still has loose ends, for me it is because... more>> I have not read enough, 5 stars until chapter 19. <<less
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Blisfulloblivion rated it
October 18, 2023
Status: c8
This story is so good. I love the dynamics between MC and the research obsessed partner. The mystery and action drive the story and while a romantic interest develops over time its not the focus and slow but it adds to their interactions.

Shame more hasn't been translated but there is a manga adaptation by the same name. Manga has been fan translated to about chapter 50 of the novel. Highly recommend.
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