The Hero’s Pure Love, The Demon King’s Ardent Desire


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In a world on the brink of destruction by a Demon King who had suddenly appeared from another realm, a small country named Reynardor faced its doom. Michel Parthia, a boy living in this country, happened to encounter Lucifer, a solitary hero who had been battling the Demon King alone. As soon as they met, the two were irresistibly drawn to each other and fell deeply in love. For Michel, the hero’s love was sweet and intoxicating, yet…

Meanwhile, the Demon King’s army was closing in on Michel’s country.

A mysterious young man with many secrets × A frail yet deeply affectionate boy.

A completely serious story. Contains sudden erot*c scenes, violence, bloodshed, and death scenes.

A story where an angel lives for love, and a hero fulfils love.

Associated Names
One entry per line
勇者の純愛 魔王の切望
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