The Hero Who Returned From Another World Becomes an Influencer in the Real World Where Dungeons Have Appeared and Makes Money!


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An ordinary-looking junior high school student, Ryoji Furuya, had a secret. During spring break before his third year of junior high, he was suddenly summoned to another world. After ten years of hardship, he defeated the Demon King and returned to his original world.

Moreover, Ryoji didn’t age at all and returned at the exact time he was summoned to the other world. However, right after returning, his parents died in an accident. He had conflicts with relatives at the funeral, and suddenly, familiar dungeons appeared all over the world.

The world changed drastically as energy, metals, and essential materials for convenient living could only be obtained from these dungeons. A small number of people with “adventurer traits” began to level up inside the dungeons, earning significant achievements and making money.

Due to the effects of being active in two worlds, Ryoji had adventurer traits but no displayed job and his level remained at 1. Abandoned by his childhood friend who had excellent adventurer qualities, Ryoji started his activities at his own pace, earning a large amount of money and becoming an influencer.

With no particular life goal, where will Ryoji’s tomorrow lead him?

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kenjitamurako rated it
August 16, 2024
Status: c15
I only gave it to chapter 15 linearly but went ahead and read 31 and 47 because they looked to be the ones that closed things out with the childhood friend.

The writing of the web novel isn't good in terms of story, character development, or world building. You're getting a rehashing of what appears in a lot of stories and it's not well executed. Kid is OP when dungeons appear in his world but due to a bug in the ability to see his level or job his "childhood friend"... more>> and classmates decide to ditch him and start bad mouthing him. He becomes successful as a streamer, takes revenge on the classmates that badmouthed him, and his childhood friend tries to declare she's pregnant with his child before self destructing. Some "high class" girls start fawning over him and are loyal sycophants.

The writing really doesn't invoke any emotion or feelings of attachment to any of the characters as they feel so one dimensional. <<less
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