The Hero Becomes the Duke’s Eldest Son


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I was called a hero. The hero who saved the world. However, I was used by those who whispered words of friendship to me. In the end, I was betrayed and killed. But then…

“I didn’t expect to be resurrected in this manner.”

I had returned, not in my original body, but in the body of the eldest son of a duke I had never heard of, Aden Remes.

Associated Names
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Duke's Eldest Son Is A Regressed Hero
영웅, 공작가 장남 되다
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1 Review

Jul 16, 2024
Status: c45
Overall its pretty good.

the time travel stuff is always hanky, the future knowledge stuff is always cheat code bullshit... but sometimes the characters and dialogue can really save these stories and make them good.

i do think some of the backstory and overall plot is pretty terrible, but the individual moments work really well. there is a weird major invasion that was going to happen, and our MC didnt have future knowledge of it, so he shouldnt have prepped 300 super fire potion weapons... but he did... thats just s*upid. what... more>> isnt s*upid is the way he does end up winning the fight, and the very quick overview of a nonhuman race. for a brief moment you can envision a pretty cool world. <<less
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