The Great Saint Was Called to Heaven and Became the Adopted Daughter of the Baker


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She is a beautiful girl with petal-colored hair wet with morning dew and eyes that exude a divine aura.

And eternally 16 years old.

What color hair and what color eyes does that have? It doesn’t matter if it’s a little girl or an old woman, right?

And the 89th Grand Saint always thinks.

One day, she was almost poisoned by someone.

I became utterly fed up and faked my own death to escape the Grand Temple.

Because the current Saint has the ambition to become a baker.

However, even after a year, no new Saint was appointed, and eventually, it began to be said that it was the curse of the Saint.

Why do I have to be cursed when I’m alive, my dreams have come true, and I’ve become the adopted daughter of a bakery?

She was outraged, and for some reason, she ended up returning to the Grand Temple as a saint―――.

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