The Grand Duke Only Seeks the Lady


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“The imperial family has decided to change your fiancée.”

Meia, the flower of the social world who leaves no room for error and has dedicated her entire life to becoming the perfect fiancée for the Crown Prince.
However, all she received in return was an abrupt and one-sided notice of annulment.

‘That Crown Princess position is nothing to me now.’

Contrary to many people’s concerns, Meia’s expression remained unwavering as she turned her back on everything.

“I want you.”

Until she met Theodore, the Grand Duke of the Sirius Empire, who boldly confessed from their first meeting.

* * *

“Judging by your expression, it seems you know who I am.”
“Who wouldn’t recognize the house of Florence from the Sirius Empire?”
“Then I’ll get straight to the point.”

The man smiled mischievously, lifting the corners of his mouth.

“I would like you to come to me.”

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대공님은 공녀님만 찾는다
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