The Goddess Granted Me the [Hatching] Skill and Somehow I Became the Strongest Tamer, Commanding Mythical and Divine Beasts


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Klaus, who was on the verge of death from a severe fever, encounters a goddess who bestows upon him a unique skill called ‘Hatching’. When he regains consciousness, he finds himself lying in bed, surrounded by his parents and sister, Celia.

Later on, after becoming an adventurer, Klaus discovers a large egg deep in the forest. When he attempts to hatch it, a Phoenix emerges. Strangely, an automatic bond is formed, allowing Klaus to harness some of the familiar’s abilities as an added bonus. As Klaus starts to demonstrate the true potential of the Hatching skill, he gradually garners attention among fellow adventurers and eventually catches the eye of the nation…

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When I Was Dying of High Fever, I Received the Skill ‘Hatching’ from a Goddess and Somehow Became the Strongest Tamer Who Commands Mythical and Divine Beasts
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katoumegumi_ rated it
September 15, 2023
Status: c28
The pacing of this novel is all over the place, as of the author didn't exactly have a plan of what to do. It honestly feels like the author was trying to blindly power level an RPG character, disregarding the rest of the game (or in this case, the novel). So far, nothing is really being memorable or makes me, the reader feel compelled to read further. It's wn awkward power fantasy devoid of character development. The MC does feel like a PC being power leveled, nothing interesting is happening... more>> to him nor his surroundings. Characters might as well be NPCs in a Famicom-era role-playing game. <<less
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