The Girl is Beautiful but Violent


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[Time Travel + Pocket Dimension + Strong Female Lead + Happy Ending + Both Pure]

Jiang Ning thought that someone like her, with hands stained by blood, was destined for hell after death.

Unexpectedly, upon her demise, her soul traversed to another world, where she encountered a kind-hearted and handsome scholar who brought her home.

This scholar was perfect in every way: he could write, paint, style hair, sew clothes, and even tell her after she had killed someone, “Jiang Ning, this isn’t who you’re meant to be.”


Liu Ming’an thought that someone like him, all alone in the world, accustomed to solitude, would remain lonely for life.

Unexpectedly, a chance glance in a crowd stirred his compassion, leading him to bring home a battered young woman.

This young woman was perfect in every way: she could cook, earn money, catch thieves, fight, and even solemnly promise him, “Liu Ming’an, I will protect you!”


Gentleness collides with indifference, darkness encounters warm sunlight.

“You are my redemption!”

“You are my good fortune!”

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  3. Romance - Drama - Slice of life - Adult (On-Going)
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Latest Release

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New karevamp rated it
September 27, 2024
Status: Completed
This was a fun read to pass the time. Not too angst or too cheesy. There are plot holes and it ended kinda weird but... The main couple are super sweet and I love how they communicate with one another. Healthy relationship!

Sure, there are secrets the FL can't tell to ML cause transmigration to whole other world is just too crazy for a place that believes in superstition. But she is blunt with her feelings and I love that.

ML is so understanding and calm. Such a good partner for FL... more>> who is cold and blunt with her actions. All in all, yay. Haha. <<less
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AquasVeritem rated it
August 27, 2024
Status: c38
So far, this is pretty good. It's a bit early to tell where it's going, but I have a good feeling about it. Hopefully they don't stop TLing it halfway through.
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