The Genius Tamer of The Academy


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A veterinarian intern, whose life was worn out by constant overtime, one day found themselves transmigrated into an extra villain in a dark-themed novel.

[Synchronizing with Han Si-ha’s perspective.]

“Why… of all people… did it have to be Han Si-ha?”

Wait, if I’m destined to die because of bad deeds… can’t I just live a good life instead?

But you know what?

This school… seems to suit me pretty well.

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Academy's Genius Tamer
아카데미의 천재 테이머
Related Series
Recommendation Lists
  1. Peak Hidden Gems Part 4
  2. Monsters/Game elements
  3. novels that i love (male mc)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/20/24 Fenrir Translations c90
09/20/24 Fenrir Translations c89
09/20/24 Fenrir Translations c88
09/19/24 Fenrir Translations c87
09/19/24 Fenrir Translations c86
09/19/24 Fenrir Translations c85
09/18/24 Fenrir Translations c84
09/18/24 Fenrir Translations c82
09/17/24 Fenrir Translations c81
09/17/24 Fenrir Translations c80
09/15/24 Fenrir Translations c78
09/15/24 Fenrir Translations c77
09/15/24 Fenrir Translations c76
09/14/24 Fenrir Translations c75
09/13/24 Fenrir Translations c74
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5 Reviews sorted by

New TeddyWestside rated it
September 15, 2024
Status: c16
Maybe I'm dropping this too early but I don't see anything interesting in this story. I'm honestly questioning why it's so highly rated here at NU.

Story is boring with the same old trope but this time we have a so called vet. But you can't really tell he's a vet because so far all he's been doing is interacting with humans. His hatchling doesn't even seem alive and just feels like a mascot trying to score cute points for the story.

But what I probably hate the most is how bland... more>> the MC feels. You can tell that he's a mimic from other popular MC's but the execution made him feel empty in my eyes.

I really wished this novel's ranking was accurate cause I was looking for something new to binge and get hooked on but this story is not it. <<less
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New Brinkalitifull rated it
September 8, 2024
Status: c59
This is a solid mid, nothing out of norms but still readable, at the very least we still didn't find braindead characters that only exist either to sing the praise of the MC or be slapped repeatedly by him. However the story feels kind of random as some times the MC states that he wants to help the original protagonist, while other times he expresses that he is planning to get away from the main story lines, and then when he does things he always ends up being the center... more>> of the event willingly, it's not even those cliche plot where he is forced by random coincidences or something like that. The story is nice but it has a lot of contradiction. Also if you expect a power system, you'll be disappointed. I think the author added the system window and job classes and their grades just for show, they don't serve any purpose, anyone can do anything if they learn it <<less
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Isaacbai rated it
August 26, 2024
Status: c20
Edit: Ended up dropping the novel around chapter 25, not due to any major issues but because it's just kinda boring.

I'm still very early on in the novel but I'm enjoying it so far and it doesn't fall into any of the tropes I despise that crop up so often. My one big complaint is that early on in the story a big part of the plot is the necromancy department of the school, and it makes no sense that the school even has a necromancy department. The setting... more>> includes how the nation is ruled by white mages who killed all the dark mages who are considered evil, so why does the school have a dark/evil magic department? It makes no sense and definitely has some "slytherin" bad writing vibes where they've made an official school department for evil a**holes to go to.

Especially because the students don't get to choose their department (the whole thing is incredibly similar to Harry Potter sorting/houses) so why is this academy forcing unwilling students to learn magic that will get them forcibly labeled evil/enemies of the state? It's just feels really forced/not natural to the setting. <<less
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Indyanna rated it
September 6, 2024
Status: c40
The author wants to write about a veterinarian without any knowledge of the job. There's barely any focus on taming or animals, everything's solved with 'modern knowledge'.

On the first chapter our MC picks up a stray dragon and 40 chapters later we don't know where the dragon sleeps, what it eats, if it has any diseases, any allergies, etc. It's just a cute lizard that helps MC fight without making the MC too strong.
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Abylongrin rated it
September 7, 2024
Status: c61
The story is not revolutionary but it is enjoyable, the pacing is actually decent. Though I wouldn't recommend going into it expecting veterinary stuff going on, not that I mind. All in all it's a decent read, an enjoyable pass time
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