The Genius Swordsman in a Gender-Reversed World


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“Where does a man think he can wield a sword so boldly?”

But his talent was simply too exceptional.

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남녀역전 세계의 천재 검사
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Purolover rated it
October 23, 2024
Status: c29
Very good novel for fans of yanderism although about the flipped world thing, it appears to only be about social gender stereotypes. As a side note I would also like to see our protagonist interact more with his own gender up till now all of them have been girls, aside from Pace but that doesn't count, as cool as IT is.

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I guess my only critique is that when he goes against Marco it feels like he is just willingly walking to his demise since he didn't explain to the reader that they knew how to tame her in advance, unlike every other character that was presented before or after.

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December 27, 2024
Status: c60
Very interesting story of a well built gender reversed fantasy world, the only things I find lacking is this story has absolute no Male sub character at all (not include the his father) am kinda impatient since the last updates are 20/11 for the premium chapters. Wonder when will be the next update so I can read chapter 61.

Well if you look close you can still find some grains of sand (Mistake) in logically like Why the main character's mother find her husband like any another anoying (even though they... more>> are married, have a son). I think the writer has a wrong thinking.

This is gender reversed fantasy world so woman is stronger, smart, more talented but it doesn't mean they can live without a man but the writer wrote as if they can just ignore the fact that woman and man are needed to procreate. The mother of the main character (The lord of that family) even though already hard to have a child but still harsh with her daughter (Her Male concubine and her) who she gave birth to. Shouldn't her show more affection to her daughter after find out her second child (More noble blood child) is a man if we go for the reversed logic of woman is more important there?

I don't know if this is the medieval time fantasy like lord of the ring or modern fantasy like most Korean fantasy story. <<less
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