The Genius Female Forensic Pathologist, The Psychological Anatomist


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Genius Female Forensic Scientist VS Tough Criminal Police Captain

[Mystery + Detective + Sweet Romance + High-IQ Crime + Serial Killings + Psychological Profiling + Suitable for the Faint-hearted]

Schizophrenia, antisocial personality disorder, high-IQ crimes… This is a world where psychopaths run rampant.

The Cat Fetus Case, the Lovers’ Butcher, the Angel of Death… Evil delusions always invade reality, accompanied by violence.

Their First Meeting:

Mu Mian asked very sincerely, “Hello, would you be willing to donate your body to me after you die?”


Fang Rui: “If I fell into the water along with a victim’s corpse, which one would you save first?”

Mu Mian: “You!”

Fang Rui looked at her with some surprise.

Mu Mian: “Because the corpse will float by itself~”

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