The Gardener in a Hunter World


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When hunters enter the dungeon, I fall into a dream.

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Hunter World's Gardener
헌터세상의 정원사
Related Series
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9 Reviews sorted by

Dcrangerange rated it
March 15, 2022
Status: c19
This is a great one. It's a Korean style story told at a Japanese pace. You won't spend 40 chapters getting through the backstory before you get to the present day. Instead you get 1 chapter of backstory followed by actual forward progress of time. Also the story is very well put together. This is well worth reading. Give it a shot.
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Notaborax rated it
April 13, 2022
Status: c2
poor translation quality. Poor writing style. The writing or the translation was so bad I had to write a review. The writing style of the author is utter tr*sh. I have sat through several isekai novels and was suprised that a story was so badly written I had to write a review on how bad it was

i started in chapter 2 and skipped the intro and stuff

very poor writing. Like following example

... more>>

All he could see was an old tree that looked like it had been struck by lightning, a rock, a stream, and strange plants.


so its been struck by all that stuff??? Thats too much stuff how do I imagine this??? How do I picture it getting hit by a plant??? Now that im thinking more of it the tree portion should be in the end, because all that extra stuff sounds like the tree was struck by that all that stuff

the chapter was full of basic ass sentences thay felt like it was written by a 6th grader doing his first story

there is a lot if redundancy


Hunters need ether to use their skills.

It is a kind of fuel and making the consumption value to 0 is a lot effective than just thinking about it.

felt this could be combined

there are a lot of questions which are setup into the next thing. Like every 3 sentences there is a question <<less
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Lucia Morose
Lucia Morose rated it
July 29, 2022
Status: c38
If you enjoy wholesome farming novels and just want a casual read, this might be the novel for you.

However, in an effort to acknowledge the author's efforts and provide an update based on previous reviews that were made during the early chapters it feels necessary to mention:

Recently, the author's made efforts to expand on the source of the MC's abilities and why he was specifically bestowed with them, consequently expanding on other aspects of the lore including the history behind the other worlds aka dungeons.

The author's even decided to hint at a possible main antagonist (an antagonist? In a farming story? It's more likely than you think).


In a fit of whimsy, I've decided I can't hold myself back from mentioning:


The peaceful environment that the MC lives in is actually manufactured by the god that bestowed MC's powers; given this setting, if sh*t decides to hit the fan, sh*t will absolutely smash that fan. Poor MC, he doesn't even know what he didn't sign up for

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Tintl rated it
July 23, 2022
Status: c12
I like the concept but there are too many plotholes.

MC gets a trait for ... more>>

being friendly to animals and plants iirc because he helped plant the branch of a tree in the ground (which I think he himself broke?) and for helping an insect kinda. But then he kills a crab because it's delicious food and cuts palm trees down to build a house. And he wants to eat another crab but he can't kill it so he just stares at it and it actually falls on the ground?! And dies on impact?! This is like trying to get the rare ingredient for potion making to the MC without ruining his friendly to animal trait that was already ruined bc he already killed a crab...


so the plot doesn't really make sense to me. Even the premise so far makes me skeptical. This MC is a (this is on the first chap so I don't really consider it a spoiler) potion maker and the novel is getting him rare ingredients to make his potions super op. But he's getting those animal ingredients easily bc he's got a trait for being animal friendly, yet to get those ingredients he's killing those animals. How does that work? <<less
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Cloudy_night rated it
February 19, 2024
Status: --
This Novel is so... Flawed but not in a good way. and there's a lot of stuff to be talked about, and it's not a good one.

  • The Pacing of the story (Plotholes)
It is so Badly Written, and I wish it was because of the translation, but the author themself should really take a class of writing or something, because the way they write is so- I don't wanna say bad because it isn't- there's no imagination that come to thought, it's as if they just state a fact and... more>> then move on. and don't put this on the same level as japanese story, maybe the really tr*shy isekai ones. in order for a reader to feel something, imagine the world, know better about the world, it is author job to execute those writing but the fact that the author failed to do that is so sadden. because the premise is there, it is a great premise but the execution of it is disappointing. the author make it seems like the pacing of the story is just a thought after, the tid-bits that make the world is just a second thought.

  • Characteristics
There's a review about the characteristics of the MC and I will say the side characters too, but oh-my-god... I never thought I will read someone would be so self pushover and the fact that he is so self pushover because of one thing happen to his life (him getting a labour class). the way he didn't think before acting- there's a line between a selfless and thoughtful person to a downright pushover. I get what the author trying to make but the MC is so easy to be pushed around and with a little bit of twist, you can make a downfall for the MC. he is naive, s*upidly naive, pushover, careless, yet he is kind but s*upid kind. I haven't read much to see if he ever get a chance to developed his character but man do the start of it all hurt my liver, my heart and my brain. I wanna predict something, I'm still early-ish chapter- but he will get a character development after something really bad happen to him, because I know a character like him only able to learn if something really bad happen to him. may I add something about this, it's a comment I made. "He is the type who have ZERO idea of how the true world works, he is the type to be spoonfed his whole life, his glasses tinted by rainbow colour glasses."

now let's talk about the side characters... nothing about them seems interesting, the author may show a bit here and there but that's it. the author keeps in mind that they are just side character but doesn't keep in mind that these side characters are also the one who built the world. the relationship between the side characters and MC is almost as if it's just them be friending MC because how s*upid and pushover MC is. and it is just... so... hurtful to see how the relationship being put together. they are just there, fulfilling their roles.


all in all, this story is not worth your time and effort to read, unless you're some kind of masochistic person who love to read in pain. I don't know how the author able to publicize this kind of story, because it felt like I am reading something a 12 year old made a badly written fan fiction. find better story to read because this one isn't worth your time. the world building, the character, the plot, the pacing is so messy to the point it hurt my liver, heart, and brain.

I'll give this story a 1 out of 5 star. (mainly because of his pets). <<less
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Ruubix rated it
January 21, 2023
Status: c38
I like it.

The MC is kinda op because the

World tree

is planning things out for him but he does not get directions he's just doing things at his own pace.

He's very caring and just wants to help people but also is stubborn and does not let people walk all over him.


I think that's why the tree chose him. He is also like a tree.


I like seeing how he helps out and it's an interesting slice of life for him and adventure for the other side characters lol
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cosmicpeach rated it
December 17, 2022
Status: c38
This one is great.

The fact that it's more of a slice of life is making it even better!

There's a manhwa with similar concept with this novel but it was so average compared to this one and somehow it makes me sad because this novel doesn't have a manhwa adaptation and the translation isn't even continued...

Someone pick up this novel again please ㅠㅠ
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izhov rated it
June 11, 2022
Status: c28
if you like to read slice of life genres, then you will definitely like this. The translation is very good and readable considering that it is an mtl. Maybe the person below who said that "poor translation quality" didn't see the disclaimer of the translator who said that this is an Edited Mtl. This story is really enjoyable to read for me, so if you want to read something to take a break from reading novels with angst/breakups then this is for you.

pardon me if my grammars are incorrect as... more>> I'm still not that fluent at english.


his cat-like snow leopard is so cuteee. Though it's still not confirmed if it really is snow leopard because it looks like one.

MC's a worker of the world tree so I think he is also basically the guardian of the world tree (?) i'll edit it later if I read more chapters.

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hebiroteshon rated it
August 1, 2023
Status: c26
The concept is good, he can travel between real world and dungeon (?) world when he sleeps, and repair/maintain both worlds through one action at time. Sadly, the execution throughout the chapter is not up to par. The protagonist is becoming more of a self-pushover the more he gain power. This novel is recommended for fantasy-novel readers who like minimum battle action and a hero-like protagonist.
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