The Game Character Who Became a Saint Wants to Cover Up Their Dark History


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Minor stories that occur when a user with a le*d saint concept becomes the same body as the character.

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s3978871 rated it
December 11, 2024
Status: c5
I felt complicated writing this review, partially because the novel left such a strong impression on me in the first few chapters and also partially because it left me feeling emotionally complicated.

I did get the wrong impression that this was smut, it isn't, so viewers beware. But also the writing is a lit lanky, I've only read 5 chapters but somehow I felt like I've read 40 chapters in a row.

Still, it's and interesting plot so if anyone wanna check it out for yourself you should but don't get your... more>> hopes up too high. This is just an average novel, not a masterpiece.


The protag is someone who plays a game similar to LoL called "Rainbow Tales" and he customized his character to look like a drop-dead beauty and has been devoted to role-playing for 10 years now. And he was a full-on pe*vert (in-game), now you might think with such an unhinged person - devoted to role-playing the same character for 10 years- would be delighted and immediately put on some crazy act but no. He now acts like a sane, normal and functional human being now.

And that's why I drop the novel, I was promised smut and didn't get it.

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