The Forest Race Clonne


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Seirakia Lavant, a third-year low-ranking agent in the Imperial Security Department, harbors a secret about his mysterious birth and occasionally hears strange voices.

Meanwhile, the capital of the Empire is gripped by a grim atmosphere due to a series of mu*ders, and an unknown race emerges to the surface. Amidst this chaos, changes begin to occur in Seirakia’s life as well…

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Forest Tribe Clone
숲의 종족 클로네
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Date Group Release
10/11/24 Fenrir Translations c33
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09/30/24 Fenrir Translations c24
10/02/24 Fenrir Translations c23
09/28/24 Fenrir Translations c22
09/27/24 Fenrir Translations c21
09/26/24 Fenrir Translations c20
09/25/24 Fenrir Translations c19
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