The Flowers Blooming Over The Years


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This is a story set in Suzhou.

Xia YiYang and Shen Luo have know each other since they were 20 years old.

Since they were rivals in love, in the eyes of other people, their relationship apparently wasn’t that good.

Until one day Shen Luo goes to live in America, like that, 15 years later, Shen Luo suddenly comes back.

**Chapters are no longer linked here

Associated Names
One entry per line
Las flores floreciendo a través de los años
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Heal me
  2. Novel di Jing Shuibian
  3. BL novel that I have read part 2
  4. love takes time
  5. This is where realistic relationship looks like.

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/17/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c7
04/30/22 Chrysanthemum Garden c6
04/25/22 Chrysanthemum Garden c5
04/19/22 Chrysanthemum Garden c4
04/09/22 Chrysanthemum Garden c3
04/09/22 Chrysanthemum Garden c2
03/26/22 Chrysanthemum Garden c1
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1 Review sorted by

Common_people rated it
July 15, 2022
Status: Completed
It's short but good! The story have the vibe I like. Like rainbow amber. It's warm and relax feeling. Gong and shou, they are stable and mature. There are mellow feeling, regret, but no sad sad drama. Just a Lil bit bloody flashback
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