The Final Task of the Forsaken Saint: A Command to Marry the Barbarian Count


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“A Marriage in Name Only, Yet ‘My Wife’ and ‘My Husband’ Are Too Perfect!”

From a young age, Rubel was called a saint due to her bond with the spirits and her immense magical prowess, drafted into countless battlefields. Yet when peace was finally achieved, her reward was an annulled engagement to the prince and a royal command: oversee the haunted Forest of Death, teeming with monstrous beasts, and marry the so-called “Barbarian Count,” a margrave of the frontier.

The Barbarian Count was said to be a man who spent his days battling monstrous creatures, obsessed with wealth, and reputed to be so terrifying in appearance that a mere glance could make someone faint.

But Rubel thought, Isn’t this a chance to fulfill my long-held dream of owning my own home?

After punching the prince goodbye, she set off alone for her final task, armed with just her staff and a single trunk, to wed the margrave of the frontier.

However, what awaited her was not the monstrous figure she had expected, but a breathtakingly handsome man with a villainous look that could make anyone weak at the knees.

What was meant to be a marriage in name only soon proved otherwise—her husband was kind, his domain awe-inspiring, and…

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用済み聖女の最後の仕事 命じられたのは蛮族伯との結婚でした
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