The Film Emperor’s Multi-layered Schemes


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“There are a countless tricks, and if one doesn’t work, we can try another.”

I was bound to a passionate romance system with the movie emperor. We had to be glued together every day, or else we’d face punishment.

But we’re both men! And… he’s also my ex.

I dumped him twice. Haha, I don’t want to live anymore.

**[Warning: You have thirty seconds left to complete the hug task. Failure to comply will result in death by a thousand cuts.] **

I scrambled out of bed, not even bothering to put on clothes, rolling and crawling as I dashed out.

At the same time, the door to the bedroom next door opened.

Lu Guanlan looked rushed, his hair messy, slippers flopping as he ran towards me.

Even his robe belt had come loose.

In the cold mechanical countdown of “Three, two, one…”

Our two warm bodies collided with a thud.

**[Congratulations, task completed!] **

We both exhaled deeply, let go, and glanced at each other, faces filled with intense awkwardness.

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