The Fake Madam Disappeared


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She had never been real to them.

“I never thought of you as my wife.” Even her husband by contract,

“My wish? It’s for you to disappear.” Nor the son she didn’t share a drop of blood with.

Daphne decided to give up everything then.

The Madam disappeared. To be precise, she disappeared before the Young Lord’s birthday, leaving only a single letter. Everyone didn’t mind and thought that she would be back soon.

One day, two days, ten days.

The Madam didn’t return, and everyone went looking for her. But it was already too late.

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가짜 마님이 사라졌다
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New selprenal rated it
October 4, 2024
Status: c15
The story's flow is a little odd as the author randomly cuts from POV to POV (though she makes a clear distinction between them so it's still coherent), but as a fan of angst, this story is definitely very hard-hitting in that aspect! The plot is somewhat meandering as the main storyline is about the duchess who has run away, but I do enjoy the emotions it evokes in me. The translator is very friendly and enthusiastic about this as well. I recommend the story for readers who enjoy angst,... more>> especially the kind along the lines of "You never know what you have until you lose it". The story focuses a lot on the POVs of the father-and-son duo so seeing them gradually realize how the duchess has been treated throughout the years as well as their (belated) affection for her gets satisfying over time. I hope to see some intense groveling! <<less
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