The Endless Dark Game


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When you wake up, you find yourself in a world of endless darkness, where everyone is the same as you, with only a single room and endless darkness outside.

In the darkness, there is both opportunities and danger.

No one knows if death or glory awaits them once they exit the room, and everything depends on their own good fortune to explore.

But luckily, you can actually see the hints in the dark.

【The woman in red outside has finally left, you now have twenty minutes to go ahead and explore.】

【Remember, after going out, there is a box placed thirty meters in front of your right, bring it back, there will be a gift outside.】

【Fifty meters ahead of you on your left, there is a nest of mysterious insect eggs there, bring it back, it will also have an unexpected effect.】

【Don’t go straight, there is a poisonous snake that is watching you closely.】

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May 12, 2022
Status: Completed
Reading it this far, I would say I am only interested in the expansion and kingdom building only. However, the downside about this novel is that we have a MC and dumb side character. The dumb side character such as players willingly trade precious stuff such as runes to MC for 40 ML water. Srsly auther know 40ML of water is very little right? Like srsly, it only shows MC is smart while there is no other smart players around. And the way MC trade items to other players is... more>> cut throat. Like who dafuq will trade with him being lile that. Overall, too many dumb people courting death here.

I need smart side characters not brainless such as the author

The story ended with him killing the god and return to earth. The end. <<less
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