The Empire’s Strongest Genius Knight, Aspiring to Be an Adventurer


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Franz, hailed as a once-in-a-century prodigy, was a brilliant mind and a master of both swordsmanship and magic. By the age of 18, he had risen to the prestigious position of commander of the Imperial Knights. However, what Franz truly admired was the life of an adventurer. He read novels about adventurers’ exploits and harbored a faint dream of one day leading such a life himself.

After contributing significantly to the Empire’s complete victory in the recent war, Franz was granted a reward of his choice. His request? A long vacation.

Thus, the Empire’s strongest knight found himself with the freedom he had long desired. Registering as a rookie adventurer, Franz set out to travel the nation and live the life he had always dreamed of.

Franz’s journey led him to resolve one issue after another, addressing the problems that plagued the country. In later years, his travels would be remembered as the catalyst for the Empire’s great leap forward. But for Franz himself, he was simply enjoying his long-cherished dream of being an adventurer to the fullest.

This is the story of Franz’s adventures.

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The Supreme Knight Who Longed for Adventure
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