The Duke’s Companion


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The beast who controlled the Empire’s commerce, Idylos Roxen, Duke of Cadellarot. It was an open fact that he hated animals extremely. However, it was the Duke’s sister who picked me up, a kitten, and I was caught while hiding.

In order to live comfortably, I must somehow capture his heart. So I followed his tail every day and acted cute…


Idylos hastily covered my mouth. I stiffened in embarrassment…

‘Did he just almost yelled at me?’
It was only then that I realized. This man didn’t hate me, he was scared of me!

Idylos said, while he tightly clasped my hand with his,”You said you wanted to eat me.”

“What are you talking about? It’s all a joke…” I said.

“Joke? Are you serious!? At that time, I was so scared that I couldn’t sleep…”
There was a faint resentment in his dark eyes looking down at me. I knew I shouldn’t be fooled by those pitiful eyes.

In time, his expression changed as I expected and he daringly laughed at me like a beast cornering its prey.

“Take responsibility.”


“If it’s you, I’ll eat you up.”

…I was just trying, making an effort not to be hated. This man completely forgotten his fear.

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