The Duck Will Avoid the Original Storyline


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“Secretary Kang. What is this duckling?”

Not only did I realize that I had been reborn as ‘Oh Rihyun’, a villainous duck werebeast character from a BL novel featuring a dangerously obsessive gong, but I also ended up living in the house of that very obsessive gong, Kwon Jaeha.

Unlike my previous life with a terminal illness, I now have a healthy body, so I must avoid dying at Kwon Jaeha’s hands like in the original story!

‘Oh Rihyun’ thinks it’ll be fine as long as he doesn’t interfere with the main couple, Kwon Jaeha and Baek Yeon-su, getting together as they did in the original story. He tries to avoid the original storyline, but things start to unfold in unexpected ways…

“You asked for help. What should I do for you?”


“Tell me. I’ll do whatever you ask.”

“A… a kiss.”

“Rihyun, will that be enough?”

Will ‘Oh Rihyun’ be able to achieve the ending he desires as he intended?

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System96 rated it
December 11, 2024
Status: c30
This is a very cute and fluffy shapeshifter / omegaverse story as long as you can turn off your brain a bit. The basic premise is that MC gets reincarnated into a book as a duck shape shifter omega who is also the main villain who interferes with the main couple but has chemistry with the ML. That last part is barely relevant.

Anyways he ends up stuck as a duck due to a kidnapping incident and lives in the ML's house for a while before he can turn back, after... more>> which the romance rather than just fluff picks up. After that you have the relatively typical dynamic of a happy go lucky MC who's kinda oblivious and a quiet, strong, and self restricting ML. The alpha/omega dynamic stuff is also handled well.

So what are the problems? The first is a little odd. The author doesn't know anything about ducks. Like sure ducks are cute they're also the messiest, arguably grossest bird you can find, consciousness nearly irrelevant. They go to the vet and then feed their new pet duck almost exclusively fruit which is "fine because he's a shifter" (they don't know that). Actually his entire diet is 85% fruit is this man okay??? (No)

The other problem is the MC's general lack of agency and infantilization, but it's only to a relatively standard level and not an infuriating one. Again, just turn your brain off it's very cute. Depends what you're reading for I guess. <<less
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