The Distant Trail of Ciara Badvia: Setting Data Collection


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This is the setting material for my work “The Distant Trail of Ciara Badvia”.

I’m not sure how much more content I can add in the future, but inserting these in between the main story was starting to feel awkward, so I decided to create a separate page. I want to enrich the series too!

Please give it a look for reference, if you like.

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One entry per line
遙かなるシアラ・バドヴィアの軌跡 設定資料集
Related Series
The Distant Trail of Ciara Badvia (Adapted From)
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09/23/23 Luminary Translations c0-0-7
09/15/23 Luminary Translations c0-0-6
09/03/23 Luminary Translations c0-0-5
09/03/23 Luminary Translations c0-0-2
09/02/23 Luminary Translations c0-0-1
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