The Diary Of A Spirit Messenger


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As a Spirit Messenger, I was reincarnated in a monster-infested earth.

But here, there is no such thing as a spirit.


Monsters? Dungeon? Those sorts of things are for hunters to solve, right? As a non-awakened person, I just had to enjoy the normal life I had dreamed of.

But by chance- which wasn’t really by chance- I touched an unidentified egg from dungeon.

「 Congratulations! ‘Yu Ina’ has awakened! 」

I could hear my soothing life moving away.

[Hahaha! She’s a contractor!] [My contractor!]

“Who’s your contractor?”

It was already sad to be a spirit messenger again, but the spirits only caused accidents. That was not even the end of the matter.

“If you want to get out, get out.”
I’m ranked No. 1 in Korea, which somehow ends up with me being treated as a part-time nanny.

“Now that I see you, you’re a special person.”
To the head of the Hunter Association, who drags luxury sedans around and puts me in trouble.

“I want to get closer to you. As a person to person.”
Even the guild leader of the big guild that we encounter often!

“Everyone, get lost.”
Give me back my peaceful life!

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S급 정령사의 테이밍 일기
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Monsters/Game elements
  2. Liked it 3
  3. Hunter/Gate/Tower/Etc. Series - Not Read
  4. KR Female MC
  5. Gates/Dungeons/Monsters/etc on Earth

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Insideofadoge rated it
September 20, 2022
Status: c8
A bit of a fun and different take on the Hunter/dungeon break genre. The MC possessed the ability to talk to spirits of nature in her previous life, and has brought this attribute with her into the modern world.

In her desire to lay low, she conceals her ability... until she starts encountering spirits and has to deal with all that will mean for the future. So far there are only a few chapters, but the translation quality is good. We are currently being introduced to the supporting cast, and I’m... more>> interested in seeing how things will develop moving forward. There’s certainly enough here to get a taste and put this on your reading list in anticipation of future chapters. <<less
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srrrahim rated it
September 26, 2022
Status: c56
I read this until chapter 56, and then I skip read until the last chapter (150)

It is easy to mtl, but this is an average novel with 2d characters without that much characters development

I have so much hope because I love this kind of genre and it is hard to look for a good dungeon/gate KN with fmc

Maybe because this is only 150 chapters? Idk

And I don't really like the male lead too. Oh btw, this is not reverse harem, because she will end up with 1 person ... more>>

Si-hyeon. The black haired guy

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