The Devil’s Beloved Daughter


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“Give me the chwild swpport! (Give me child support!)”

Mia was ab*sed by her uncle and aunt. One day, she sees in her dreams a future in which she falls into her uncle’s scheme, kills her own brother, and causes world destruction.

I can’t die like this! The future is in my hands!

Mia decides to sell her maternal uncle’s hideous scheme to her biological father, and charge him with information on the back-up.

I opened my mouth with a pretty serious look on my face. Her hands were also proudly open.

“Chwp, Chwp. Only 1,000 gwld for top secret information! (Cheap, Cheap. Only 1,000 gold for top secret information!)”

Hey, do you want to buy information to stop the collapse of this world?

“Do you want me to buy you a beautiful tropical island?”

As soon as Abel said this,

“You’ll be bored if there’s nothing on the island, so your older brother is thinking of building you an amusement park.”

Kaiyan brother stepped in,

“I’ll buy you a mermaid singing artifact. With it, you’ll be able to play all night listening to mermaid songs.”

And dad adds another one!

I spoke politely, like a clever, smart, snobbish devil.

“Please make the slides out of pure gold.”

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Am A Daughter Loved By The Devil
The Demon's Darling Daughter (Official Tapas Manhwa)
악마의 사랑을 받는 딸이래요
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Baby Fl
  2. FL Reincarnation, Fantasy
  3. KR Novels with Manhwa (FL Version)
  4. Broked birdcage
  5. My Main Novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/19/21 Chaotic Frog Novels c3
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11/22/20 Mystical Series c3
11/22/20 Mystical Series c2
11/05/20 Mystical Series c1
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3 Reviews sorted by

darlene_16 rated it
April 16, 2021
Status: c65
Dunno why this has low ratings but the world our protagonist is set in is extremely original compared to other reincarnation stories. It's set in a kingdom divided into two divisions, worshippers of gods (where saints and saintesses appear) and those who sold their soul to the devil (actuals demon and devils, not human beings) The devils are set in a hierarchy where the low borns have no gender whereas the higher ups are mainly males with VERY few females making our MC very unique and special. Crazy thing is... more>> that for devils, the female are very respected to the point where all they have to do is bore a child and leave the raising to the fathers who take all the responsibility into giving the little devils the best life they can imagine, so great that the dukes two sons never experienced real hardship when growing up. Our MC, is bore from a respected saintess who stole the energy from the devil duke to create the MC and died during childbirth. Its a story of a father and daughter reconnecting and ofc family fluff with the doting older brothers and she learns on how to become a real devil. <<less
16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Su Jin
Su Jin
July 12, 2021
Status: c3
oh she is seems to be very smart (and cute). Currently we don't even know the character's name to get an idea of ​​how much ab*se she has suffered. The prophetic dreams must be derived from the FL mother's saint powers. (My guess, nothing confirmed)
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nomo1 rated it
May 27, 2021
Status: c23
It’s a really interesting setting like the other review stated and the translation is done well. It’s nice to see how the relationships gradually change. I don’t know if this was dropped, but the last translation was updated in March ‘21
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