The Demon King is Unfathomable


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Succubus Reporter: “Honorable Demon King, I recall the Demon God commanded you to spread fear among our enemies. So why have I heard that you bought an entire street in the center of their city?”

Luo Yan: “Foolish! Do you know nothing of strategic house-swapping? By purchasing their city, humans are forced to relocate to my underground city.”

Succubus Reporter: “But… but I heard that when the humans found out even the Demon King bought property in the Holy City, instead of panicking, it doubled the real estate prices there.”

Luo Yan, smugly: “This proves my plan is flawless!”

Meanwhile, in the dungeon, mining skeletons (players) were shouting.

“Developers, come out and face us!”

“Where’s the promised legendary pets, gear, leveling, achievements, marketplace, junior sisters, senior sisters… the whole system?!”

“Is this game really just about mining?!”

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Best Novel in my life

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/03/24 BOTI Translation c49
12/02/24 BOTI Translation c48
12/02/24 BOTI Translation c47
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12/01/24 BOTI Translation c45
11/30/24 BOTI Translation c44
11/30/24 BOTI Translation c43
11/29/24 BOTI Translation c42
11/29/24 BOTI Translation c41
11/28/24 BOTI Translation c40
11/28/24 BOTI Translation c39
11/27/24 BOTI Translation c38
11/27/24 BOTI Translation c37
11/26/24 BOTI Translation c36
11/26/24 BOTI Translation c35
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