The Days of Raising a Baby with My Socially Anxious Husband


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Jiang Yu transmigrated into the novel as the troublesome aunt of the male lead.

Using her pregnancy as an excuse, she treated her husband poorly and met a tragic end.

Looking at her own pregnant belly, Jiang Yu decided to live honestly and not cause trouble.

However, the child’s father always wore a cold, intimidating expression.

Later, Jiang Yu discovered that her husband was actually socially anxious.

Despite his social anxiety, he could cook and take care of the child.

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Latest Release

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1 Review

New solivagantso
Sep 12, 2024
Status: Completed
very slow boring romance nothing major at all. Pretty much as the tag says super slice-of-life. The story itself is meh and can get boring. I feel like a more lively protagonist would have made the story more interesting and some added extra characters to liven it up. Maybe some addition of drama to make it more entertaining but it just felt meh and I found myself brushing past the latter half.
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