The Count’s Secret Maid


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Paula, the daughter of a poor peasant.

By chance, she is hired as the maid of the prestigious Count Bellunita.

But the owner she has to serve can’t see.

She thought it would be so difficult to serve the blind master.

The problem is that his personality is too sassy!

The story of a master who has lost his sight and has a dirty temper, and a maid who went through all sorts of hardships

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백작가의 비밀스런 시녀님
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3 Reviews

Aug 24, 2023
Status: Completed
Alright, so I enjoyed the chapters that were translated well enough to buy ALL volumes on Google books (which were in Korean) and suffer through Google translate just to get an understanding of what happens.

I don’t regret it in the least.

I would say that out of every 50 novels I read, one will reach something deep within me. This is one of those 1/50. I give it 4.5/5 because I think some of the side plots/characters distracted from the heart of the novel with their pacing, but I loved the... more>> main themes and was engrossed in the incredibly human struggles of the FL and ML. Gut wrenching and wholesome, I think about this story a good deal (having finished it many months ago). <<less
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Aug 04, 2023
Status: c33
What a gem.

The count, as alr mentioned in the preview, has been blinded and is struggling to live on with his new disability. His new maid is able to slowly, step by step, help him live again and the author did such a wonderful job in portraying the weakness of our ML and how he grows as a character. The translations are superb as well.

One of the best novels ive read and I will keep waiting for more updates.

I can only recommend.
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May 15, 2024
Status: c47
This novel deserves so much more attention! It's amazing!

The female lead is a poor, young commoner who has led a tragic life. When she reflects on her past or shows the shadows of her past, it's always heartbreaking. I appreciate how realistic her thoughts and feelings are. She's strong and a survivor, but she's not completely over the traumas of her past.

Paula meets the male lead when he's at his lowest. At the beginning, I wondered how they would get closer considering how rocky things were, but Vincent's actions and... more>> feelings also become understandable when we learn more about his past. He's not a cold, unfeeling Duke of the North. He's also acts like a real, often flawed person with real feelings, and over the course of the story, he grows a lot.

Sometimes in these novels and manhwas, it's hard to understand why a female lead would love a male lead besides their pretty face or "being different" and vice versa. Here, you don't have to wonder. The progression of their relationship is a natural and satisfying slow burn.

There are a number of side characters who get a lot of attention around the main leads as well. Most aren't as well developed, but their roles become increasingly important as the plot continues.

The translation was good enough that I never thought deeply about struggling to understand something, so kudos to the the team! I hope they keep releasing chapters for this gem! <<less
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