The Coroner Court Lady of the Inner Palace


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“The ‘Departed King’ is born!”

The inner palace of the Daikou Empire is thrown into chaos after the body of an unborn baby is found in the coffin of a concubine who was rumored to be mu*dered. After receiving the Empress’s instructions to calm the commotion, the beautiful eunuch Son Enmei sets his eyes on a lady-in-waiting named Touka, who is dozing off amidst the panic over the ghost. Though she has a lovely face like a flower, she has no ambition or aspirations. She also seems completely immune to Enmei, who had seduced many court ladies. The only time when Touka wakes up is when she is faced with a corpse, for she has an extensive knowledge of autopsy…

Associated Names
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Koukyuu no Kenshi Nyokan
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Some of the novels I've read so far 3.0

Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/24/24 Torch and Key Translation v1c4
07/18/24 Torch and Key Translation v1c3
07/16/24 Torch and Key Translation v1c2
07/06/24 Torch and Key Translation v1c1
07/03/24 Torch and Key Translation v1 prologue
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