The Chronicles of the Glimmering Tang Dynasty


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During the reign of Empress Wu Zetian, Ji Yaoguang, who would later be known to future generations as the “Iron-faced God of Justice,” was just a humble county magistrate, unnoticed by the world. She believed her life would continue in this quiet obscurity, but fate secretly began to reveal itself to her.

A strange three-headed cat demon appearing in the dead of night, headless corpses with broken limbs, and fields unearthed with piles of white bones—all of these unsettling mysteries mark only the beginning of her extraordinary journey.

As the dust settles on each case, it signals the start of a life filled with grand and turbulent adventures. On the roaring rivers, where winds rise and clouds gather, the traces of all things converge at her feet.

Under the vast heavens, she walks alone, but for every traveler she encounters, she asks: “When will you return?”

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