The Case When Strange Things Started To Happen When I Reincarnated As A Guy Whose Life Ends After Assaulting The Heroine


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Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, their love is so heavy!!!

I was reincarnated in the world of my favorite game.

Despite the fact that this world had my favorite heroine, an unparalleled beauty, also a Yandere… I was doomed to have a miserable end.

As a creepy, overweight guy, who’s hated by her, I will eventually be caught by the police for attacking her.

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Related Series
The Case About Two Sisters Becoming Extremely Obsessed With Me After I Saved Them (1)
The Case About The Ladies From A Noble Family Who Turned Out to Be Yanderes After I Saved Them (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Romance I liked
  2. Oyakodon and Milf
  3. fluff
  4. I'm the bad guy, you know?

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/20/23 Zetro Translation c76
10/20/23 Zetro Translation c75
10/15/23 Zetro Translation c74
10/11/23 Zetro Translation c73
10/05/23 Zetro Translation c72
10/01/23 Zetro Translation c71
09/26/23 Zetro Translation c70
09/24/23 Zetro Translation c69
09/20/23 Zetro Translation c68
09/17/23 Zetro Translation c67
09/14/23 Zetro Translation c66
09/11/23 Zetro Translation c65
09/08/23 Zetro Translation c64
09/04/23 Zetro Translation c63
08/31/23 Zetro Translation c62
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4 Reviews

Feb 16, 2023
Status: Completed
The plot is pretty normal, the MC gets reincarnated as a villain in his favorite game. The character development however is quite fast and it doesn't take that long for the MC and the main heroine to become acquainted. He's actually motivated by that fact and tries his best to better himself.

The heroine on the other hand... her love is pretty heavy. The signs actually show up as early in chapter 2. As of current translation, it's just building momentum. Don't let the fact that later chapters are locked get... more>> to you, just wait for the upcoming fluffiness later. <<less
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 27, 2023
Status: c76
I can understand why some people low-mark this story. Some moments are a bit cringy, some are not for everyone to approve. It's OK, everyone has their tastes and morals. But don't lie to yourselves, little hypocrites, some of You still were aroused a bit, and envied ML at some point :)

Story itself is pretty plain and steady by the way. Reincarnating in some creepy small-time villain instead of protagonist, ML had turned himself around with steady effort, FL's love (tbh I don't know why it's been called heavy,... more>> I'd like to be loved just that much, and be able to love back equally) and a bit of armor plot. Well, it's not the story itself, but inner motives of main leading figures that were emotionally triggering me during the read. Resonated, I'd say. And s*xual theme, of course. Why lie, right?

I liked it. Will re-read it later.

P.S.: Translation is good, my respects to translator and editor. <<less
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Nov 16, 2024
Status: c76
A sweet romance.. It is not as diabetes inducing as OtaTenshi but this is pretty good. Things should have ended when they got together but the Author gave a few chappies of epilogue after that which was overall not bad. It is a nice short read to enjoy if you are burdened by other stuff.. It helps you relax.

TL is pretty good so kudos to Zetro for doing an amazing job TLing this.
1 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 11, 2025
Status: Completed
Made me look at yanderes in a different light, but know for a fact yanderes are dangerous for you, this will not gel with some because of certain things in it... but overall its decent romance with heavy love (making, but not elaborated on)
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