The Case of My Childhood Friend Who Became a Very Popular Model and Came Back to Fulfill a Promise We Made When We Were Children


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I, Hasaku Ayumu, had a childhood friend whom I promised to marry when I was a child.

However, in the four years since we made the promise, we never contacted each other, and before I knew it, it was autumn of my freshman year of high school. Then one day, as I was going home with my good friends as usual, I saw a crowd of people gathered in front of the school gate and …… apparently there was someone beautiful. I thought it was none of my business and tried to pass by, but the person called my name and …… I noticed that she was hugging me.

And I notice it. My childhood friend, who has become a very popular model and who I promised to marry, has returned to this town for the first time in four years. And now I’m in her arms.

A romantic comedy that’s all about fulfilling a promise made when you were young. Don’t miss the sweet relationship between the two…

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