The Boss Wants to be Coaxed


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Running a marketing account posting short, sweet stories which has over 100,000 followers, Chen Zhiyi didn’t expect to one day dig a pit for herself because of this.
After this, it was a chance to become the boss’s dog walking companion.
For this insufferably conceited boss, she could only say: Coax! I’ll coax!

One-line introduction: Little worker’s daily life of coaxing the big boss

Associated Names
One entry per line
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Oye shawty~ #1
  2. My Novel Haven (5)
  3. light romance | chill read
  5. Workplace Romance

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/25/20 Other Worlds In Word c5
06/25/20 Other Worlds In Word c4
06/25/20 Other Worlds In Word c3
06/25/20 Other Worlds In Word c2
06/25/20 Other Worlds In Word c1
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3 Reviews sorted by

Shortk rated it
April 9, 2022
Status: Completed
Something about this feels incongruous. It definitely feels like a high school romance placed in a CEO romance environment. Does that make sense?

But besides that, I am fully on board this short guilty pleasure romance. It is a guilty pleasure if you like unrealistic romances with CEOs. But not creepy lol.
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chande rated it
March 12, 2022
Status: Completed
This story is simple and a bit cliche but it's surprisingly sweet and cute. What's more, it only consisted of 5 chapters so you'll finish it in just 10 minutes.
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dalawika rated it
February 25, 2021
Status: Completed
Good for what it is. Don't expect high class literature, this hastropes you can call cliche, but it's all used in a cute way. I read/watch a lot of romcoms but I still found this refreshingly cute. This is a good read if you want a sweet, short romance.

Do note that the translation is rough (partially mtl'ed) but it's not that bad and is still readable.

As for the boss-subordinate relationship, I think it could have been played around a bit more, but that's honestly beyond the scope of this short... more>> story. It's used very lightheartedly and humorously in this book. <<less
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