The Blissful S*x Life of a Hypnotist


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Master Hypnotist gong X a variety of s*ave shous

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3 Reviews

Jun 30, 2020
Status: c2
Don't expect any plot here, this is pure smut. Hot smut, if you don't have a problem with all the stuff that comes with hypnotism, and what not, so beware of that before you jump in if this isn't your cup of tea.

For me this is pretty nice actually, I've been wanting to read something like this in the bl genre for a while, many thanks to the Translator.
22 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 02, 2020
Status: Completed
Pure smuttttt. And a hot one tho. Honestly, this is the best hypnotism story that I've read so far.

The MC takes good care of his s*ave's hygiene & after care. Yes, there will be humiliation, in*est and different type of kinky play (it's a smut tho). Back off if this isn't your cup of tea.

Everything is satisfactory exept for the ending. It's hanging. It seems like an introduction to a new arc and more s*aves but nope. It's an ending.
16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 17, 2021
Status: c36
Refer to the tags to see if your okay with the themes.

what I liked about this was that the MC was the seme. There's so many stories where MC is the bottom and I rarely find a smut with the top being seme. I read the rest of the story with machine translation but it was understandable.

the only thing I would say is I wish there was more distribution in some scenes because after a while it would just say that they did the deed.
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