The Black-haired Noblewoman, Who Disguised Herself, Seems To Have Been Doted On While Serving As The Caretaker For The Duke Who Dislikes Women


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At the age of eight, Michelle was taken in by the Earl of Everly, a maternal relative, from a small town in the rural outskirts of the kingdom.

She was resented by the count’s family and forced to dye her beautiful hair black and live as a servant.

Since then, she has been raised oppressed by the Everly family.

Ten years later, Michelle was framed by Padma’s fiancé, the only daughter of the Everly Count family, who was the same age as her, and was kicked out of the count’s house with nothing but the clothes on her back.

In tattered clothes, Michelle wandered through a deserted area, nearly collapsing from hunger.

Just then, she almost collided with a man passing by on horseback──────

※This is a story set in the usual, loosely defined unique world. Everything is fantasy.

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