The Beloved Fiancee Is Likely to Be the Villain


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Elizabeth is devastated, her engagement was broken with the exact same line as the one in, “The Holy Maiden Makes the Stars Fall in the Night Sky,” a popular novel among the nobility.

Just as she’s about to explode in anger at the villainous heroine grinning beside her, the crown prince turns around and begins to denounce the heroine actions against her?

Actually, everything is in the palm of the Prince’s hand.

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One entry per line
Betabore no Konyakusha ga Akuyaku Reijou ni Saresou nanode Heroine-gawa ni wa Sore Souou no Mukui wo Ukete Morau
It appears that my fiancée is being made out to be the villain, so I'll have the heroine pay the appropriate reparation
Lovestruck Prince! I'll Fight the Heroine for My Villainess Fiancée! (Light Novel)
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2 Reviews sorted by

evanesco99211 rated it
August 31, 2020
Status: c5
The summary and the title were interesting, and sure enough, so is the content. It used the template villainess story as its beginning but the plot twist is interesting. And unlike most templates, this is NOT isekai and the ML is in love with MC since the very beginning. In fact, the ML has always been trying to get closer to MC but the MC didn't notice since she has no expectation for love, thinking of it as a mere political relationship. The expectation and the result of such an... more>> 'announcement' are much more realistic too.

All in all, a fun and interesting story to read. <<less
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Beccablue rated it
September 29, 2022
Status: --
Something is odd about the first few chapters. There is something uncomfortable about the reading experience. From the first to the last paragraph of the first chapter, it's like there is too much information as well as not enough.

Chapter 8 is easier to understand and follow though.

I just couldn't get into it.

I liked the way the story sounded, however there are many similar plots that are more enjoyable to read.
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