The Bell And The Drum


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Mu Mu: “Su Yiqian, you’re like the star throughout my life after the age of 12. In the first place, I knew that I couldn’t have any illusions about you. I’m just a speck of dust after all, too far away from you.”

Su Yiqian: “But after wandering around and getting separated, only to meet again, I discovered that you were my evening drum and morning bell. Before Mario met the princess, he will first met monsters. Before the prince kissed the sleeping beauty, he will first pass through the thorns. Before I fell in love with you, I never live. Mu Mu, without you, I can’t complete this life.”

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Ulet_imut rated it
May 2, 2021
Status: c27
The FL is s*upid and the ML is a jerk.

I mtl it, FL is madly in love with ML although the ML is still have some feeling for his ex. The ML is scumbag he ignored FL feeling for ten years, he though that FL feeling is plain or not deep, when he knows that her feeling is true, he was guilty for her and then I dont know he just choose to have relationship with her when he is not sure with his feeling yet for her

damn I really hate ML and FL
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