The Beautiful Girls, Once Troubled by Me, Have Now Awakened Intense Feelings for Me and Won’t Let Me Go


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Minazuki Haruto has had terrible luck with women since he was young.

It all started with a near-kidnapping during his kindergarten years, followed by being falsely accused by girls in elementary school, and then losing his mother in a traffic accident on the way home from an amusement park trip meant to cheer him up.

Despite his grief, he continued to act for the sake of others, following the words his mother left behind. However, he was branded a hypocrite and ab*sed by the cruel woman who took him in. He continued to suffer a full house of misfortune with women, including false confessions and stalkers.

Nothing went well, and he was betrayed by women day after day. This day was no different—his childhood friend, whom he was dating, told him, “I found someone else I like,” and broke up with him…

—From that day forward, Haruto, realizing his mistakes, sets out to make the girls he had hurt understand! …But for some reason, the girls he thought he had made understand began to pursue him even more aggressively!?

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Date Group Release
09/07/24 Redox Translation c6
09/05/24 Redox Translation c5
09/04/24 Redox Translation c4
09/03/24 Redox Translation c3
09/02/24 Redox Translation c2
08/30/24 Redox Translation c1
2 Reviews

New trustingsaha
Sep 03, 2024
Status: c33
First review but I felt the need after I read up to the last chapter by MTL. To be honest I wasn't expecting much from this story, I figured it would be a standard harem romcom. Well after reading the translated chapters I got hooked and read the web novel. Without going into spoilers I can honestly say I was quite surprised by the quality of the story and the characters are quite detailed. Especially the MC and his story. Everything meshes together in a way that makes some sense.... more>> I would highly recommend this novel and would even go as far as to say you should give it time to develop and to read because as you read the chapters become more interesting. I can't help but wait for new chapters of this web novel. <<less
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New Soobie
Aug 31, 2024
Status: c18
Read ahead as I thought it may be interesting.

However the dense protagonist trope becomes so forced and overdone that it makes it too painful to consider it as anything other than a comedic attempt at overdoing these harem academy romance novels.

I do like that the protagonist is acknowledged as being not so bright, but everything is so over the top that I think it would be best if it was categorized as a comedy more than anything else.
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